
Queen's day

April 30th.
Do you know this date is special in Holland??
It's "Queen's Day" means queen's birthday.
BUT!! It's not birthday of current queen, Beatrix.
This day is birthday of her mother, Julianna.
Why didn't it change when throne was succeed to Beatrix??
You can find an answer from now!

Queen's day is not only for queen 's birthday.
The main event all around the country is flea market!!
Anyone can open own shop in anywhrere.
Many people sell their needless goods.
For example, Kids clothes, Toys, Accesories, and many other things.
Some people sell their cookigs or hand-making crafts.
Everyone decorate their shops and themselves with orange color.
They paint their face and wear an orange cloths.
So, The whole town colored with orange.

It's very very Funny!
On this day, The country host a festival.
I love this day.
Every year, I was looking forward to this day.
I prepared a lot for a flea market.

Do you want to join??
Please go to Holland on April 30th!!

2 件のコメント:

hirokazu さんのコメント...

Hi Fuyuko!
I read your blog.
I think that there are such a large scale event in Japan.
Do you have ever been to Holland?

Wint(Fuyuko) さんのコメント...

Thanks for your comment.
I lived in Holland from 9 to 13 years old.
So, Holland is my second home country.