
Basic information

Welcome to my blog.
This is my first entry.
Today, I will introduce about Holland with basic information.
Let's start!!

Holland is also called "The Netherlands."
In Dutch, it called "Nederland."
It means the country in the lower level.
Yes, Holland is under the sea level.
Do you know why it can't be flooded??
In the old time, People made their own land by them selves.
They removed water with windmill and made the greatest bank.
This history is very very famous in the world.
This land type is introduced in Japanese geography text book.

The language is Dutch.
But, almost every people can speak English.
Because, Holland has many kind of people.
German, Asian, Arabic and so on...
If you walk around town, you can see many different type people.
This fact is not so major, but Holland is very international country.

Next time, I will introduce about Queen's day.
This special day is the most happy day in the year.

5 件のコメント:

味噌max さんのコメント...

orangeもいいですね、また。Queen's dayの記事、楽しみにしております。あ、はじめまして。

dolphin さんのコメント...

Writing something of counties in the world is really a good idea, I think.

mst さんのコメント...

Hi Fuyuko!!

I didnt know about that history. I don know why... maybe I hated geography when I was in senior high school student.
But anyway its interesting. I cannnot
help checking ur blog everyday!!!



masahiro さんのコメント...

you say Queen's day is
the most happy day in the year.
So, I want to know about Queen's day.
I'm looking forward to
about Queen's day like Mr.味噌max.

see you :)

Wint(Fuyuko) さんのコメント...

Thank you very much with your comment.
I'm very happy.
I made this blog with school class.
So, I can't use Japanese here.
I'm sorry.

I was really lucky to live in a foreign country.
I want to introduce my home country.

I hated geography, too...
But, I remember Holland topic clearly.
Please enjoy my blog!!

I wrote about Queen's day right now.
Please enjoy!
I want many people to know about Holland.