
Anne Frank

Do you know her name?? She is Anne Frank.
Maybe you know about her life. She is Jewish person. In World War Ⅱ, Jewish were oppressed by Nazzis. Anne wrote about her life in diary. Now, It's very famous around the world.
Her family moved to Amsterdam to hide from Nazzis . Now, Their house is still located. It became museum, so outside cahanged to be modern style. Inside it, you can watch the house as it was. There is shelter inside. It shows us real history.
Anne Frank Museum



Recently, maybe you heard the news of EURO 2008. Holland has strong soccer team.
This year, Holland was top of group C. I hoped the team will be a winner!! But, Holland lost the quaterfinals. I was so shocked...

There are some famous team in Holland.
One of that's AJAX. If you love soccer, you know this team.
In 2000, AJAX has the game vs Urawa Reds from Japan. It was an event for the ceremony of 400 years relationship between Japan and Holland.
I watched it in the first line seat. It was so wonderful game but it was too cold to exite... I don't remember a lot...

Of course, you know the team "Feyenoord". Ono shinji was in this team before.
I was happy the Dutch team to be known to Japanese.


Traditional costumes

Many countries have their traditional costumes like Kimono in Japan.
Of course there are in Holland, too.

Women's have beautiful embroidery on their chest. Skirts are colorful stripes. And, ladies wear white hat. It's very cute!
Men's are very simple. They are almost black from top to bottom.
It's because of their works. Men go to farm and women at home. Women do homework or sewing.

In Volendam, There are a famous picture spot. At there, you can take a picture with a traditional costumes.
Many Japanese go to there basicly once. I went to there three times. It's very nice to make a good memory.



What do you know about Holland??
Maybe most people answer cheese, tulip and windmill.

A windmills are very important in Holland. It is relate to the bank which I wrote last time.

Do you know why??

When the bank was made, people had to get rid of water inside the bank.
How did people remove water?? People used windmills.
Windmill has waterwheel. So, they made many windmills and pumped water.

Now, there are fewer than before. It's about 1000 in Holland.
Something is used for farming, but many is for tourist attraction.
The most popular place for windmills is Kinderdijk. Here is World Heritage Site.
There are 19 windmills.
You can see them with a boat from canal. The view is very beautiful.
Usually, There are stop. If you are lucky, whole windmills are working!!
Also, you can see inside the windmill.


The bank

Holland is located under the sea.

Do you understand this mean??

Four fifth of country is under the sea level.

Why does not it sink?

Because of THE BANK!

There is very long bank face to North sea.

It is about 30km.

Dutch made this for own country.

Someone said,

"World made by God, but Holland made by Dutch."


Japanese school

In the world, There are a lot of Japanese school.
In Holland, There are 2 Japanese schools.
I went to The Japanese School Of Amsterdam.
Students are about 300. This is 3rd largest in Europe.(The first is London.)

Japanese school has 5 days in aweek. It's as same as normal Japanese school.
We went to school with school bus. Because many students came far from school.
Because of distance between houses, I couldn't play with my friends easily.

Every Japanese school has a Saturday school.
It has also Japanese class, But only onSaturday.
Students are Japanese who go to an international school or a local school.
They go to own school in weekdays and go to Japanese sub school on Saturday.
Every Friday, Usual Japanese school students must clean their classroom for Saturday school.

There are many many Japanese in the world.
And, they study as same as in Japan.



Do you know this name??

This is the most big flower park in Holland.

Yes!! Holland is flower country!!

Maybe you have an image of tulip.

Keukenhof has millions of flowers.

You can see these wonderful flowers from March to May.

The park also has a windmill.

You know, a windmill is also famous.

If you go there, you can see THE BEST view of Holland.

Official Home Page


Queen's day

April 30th.
Do you know this date is special in Holland??
It's "Queen's Day" means queen's birthday.
BUT!! It's not birthday of current queen, Beatrix.
This day is birthday of her mother, Julianna.
Why didn't it change when throne was succeed to Beatrix??
You can find an answer from now!

Queen's day is not only for queen 's birthday.
The main event all around the country is flea market!!
Anyone can open own shop in anywhrere.
Many people sell their needless goods.
For example, Kids clothes, Toys, Accesories, and many other things.
Some people sell their cookigs or hand-making crafts.
Everyone decorate their shops and themselves with orange color.
They paint their face and wear an orange cloths.
So, The whole town colored with orange.

It's very very Funny!
On this day, The country host a festival.
I love this day.
Every year, I was looking forward to this day.
I prepared a lot for a flea market.

Do you want to join??
Please go to Holland on April 30th!!


Basic information

Welcome to my blog.
This is my first entry.
Today, I will introduce about Holland with basic information.
Let's start!!

Holland is also called "The Netherlands."
In Dutch, it called "Nederland."
It means the country in the lower level.
Yes, Holland is under the sea level.
Do you know why it can't be flooded??
In the old time, People made their own land by them selves.
They removed water with windmill and made the greatest bank.
This history is very very famous in the world.
This land type is introduced in Japanese geography text book.

The language is Dutch.
But, almost every people can speak English.
Because, Holland has many kind of people.
German, Asian, Arabic and so on...
If you walk around town, you can see many different type people.
This fact is not so major, but Holland is very international country.

Next time, I will introduce about Queen's day.
This special day is the most happy day in the year.